Research Tools and Software

There are a variety of software packages and tools that you can use to make research less painstaking and painful. While they won’t do the thinking for you, they will handle much of the drudge work.

Wireless Access at JHB

The English Department is connected to the University of Toronto’s campus wireless network (UofT).  To access the wireless network on your laptop, you need an active UTORid and password–the network will prompt you to enter these when you attempt to access the Internet.  If you need assistance setting up access, visit the Information Commons desk on the main floor of Robarts library, or consult

Eduroam Roaming Wireless

As U of T students, we have access to free WiFi connections at many university campuses around the world through the Eduroam network. If you are traveling, this is an extremely useful service. To connect, look for the Eduroam wireless network. Your username for Eduroam is “”, where “utorid” is your UTORid, and your password is the same as the password you use to log into the U of T network.